Posts tagged Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle Tips for HIV Patients
HIV patients are continuing to live longer, and are maintaining a more healthy lifestyle. The disease is no longer considered the death sentence it once was. In a study conducted by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), they found that the number of new infections in America is down from its peak in the 1980s. Detection of the disease is also improving. This makes it easier for the patient to prevent spreading the disease.
A lot of work still needs to be done. Medical advancements are improving year by year, but other steps are imperative in order for HIV patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Diet and exercise are two staples for anybody looking to stay healthy. The unique factors facing an HIV patient make these even more important. These guidelines for each should help show the importance of diet and exercise for an HIV patient:
Less Salt and Sugar, More Fruits and Vegetables
HIV patients are at greater risk of heart disease. Keeping away from food containing high levels of sugar and salt is even more important because of this. The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables provide great benefits to the immune system. Anything that can benefit an HIV patient’s immune system is paramount. Getting lipodystrophy is not as likely with a high fiber diet. This has been known to be a potential side-effect of HIV.
A Mindful Exercise Regimen Is Crucial To A Healthy Lifestyle
Moderate exercise at least three times a week has proven to slow HIV’s progression. Also, many people with HIV have increased levels of blood sugars and fats. Exercise is the best way to combat that. Fatigue is something to be mindful of, being that it has negative effects on the immune system. Hiking and biking are beneficial exercises to consider. Yoga lowers pressure and stress. And strength training provides a needed balance.
A healthy lifestyle with an HIV diagnosis is possible. Balancing medication, diet, and exercise are necessary for that to happen. Knowing how to best achieve that is necessary for all HIV patients to be aware of.